Inventory Management Methods to Cure Your Business's Growing

No one knew more about the challenges of growing a business than Paul Huffaker , vice president of Racesource Inc., a company that modifies vehicle components for the racing industry, particularly the Grave Digger and El Toro Loco monster truck teams. Just as Grave Digger and El Toro Loco are known in the monster truck racing industry, Racesource is known for high quality vehicle parts and components. As Racesource grew, so did its inventory problems. The company's inventory has outgrown the inventory tracking system - an Excel spreadsheet . And Huffaker quickly learned that their lineups couldn't be tracked on a spreadsheet. Each assembly consisted of multiple items that could be used individually or combined to create a single item or asset. That's when he decided it was time for a change. “ Maintaining accurate inventory counts in Excel was time-consuming and error-prone ,” Huffaker said. “I was often re-ordering or making parts I already had because I didn't know...